How to determine the price of the kWh of gas?

Many people use gas as their main source of energy. The consumption of natural gas remains indeed an important expense despite a downward trend in price. If you happen to be wondering, like many people, how to determine the cost of your gas consumption and what criteria are important for an accurate assessment, continue reading.

Evaluating the price of gas consumption

As with electricity, determining gas consumption is relatively easy. To choose the most suitable contract, some important certain criteria must be taken into account, including the price per kWh applied by the gas suppliers, of which there are no less than 30 on the market. In addition to the so-called statutory rates, gas costs are set differently on the market. Therefore, it is recommended to use an online energy comparator. Note that actual consumption, which is a value shown on the gas meter, is the basis for calculating those tariffs.  When it comes to gas use, it is also possible to select an offer for only one of the several applications possible.

How to assess your average gas consumption in kWh?

Firstly, it is important to note that the gas meter reading reflects consumption in m3 and that the kilowatt-hours consumed are consequently reflected in your bill. Generally speaking, the consumption in m3 must be multiplied by a conversion factor. Depending on the living area, this factor can range between 10 and 11. To convert gas consumption into kWh, you simply multiply the m3 indicated on the gas meter by the consumption factor, hence the importance, above all, of knowing the meter readings. The easiest way to figure out the average price of gas consumption is to read the meter and then distinguish the current reading from the previous one. It also depends on the priority customs area with respect to the estimated number of kWh consumed.

Which supplier to choose for the best gas pricing?

Different gas suppliers, which also happen to be electricity suppliers, are competing with each other to reduce the prices associated with gas consumption. As mentioned above, the tariff applied by the supplier is decisive when it comes to evaluating the price of gas consumption. The choice of supplier, therefore, mainly depends on your profile and your expectations.
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