Green energy

Can you heat your home with green energy?

In these difficult times, people are more and more becoming up-to-date with the environmental issues surrounding them. Indeed, society is increasingly looking for ways to mitigate environmental damage. Most people have now adopted sustainable attitudes with economic benefits and solar…

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How is biogas produced?

A biogas plant is a set of devices that simultaneously produces electricity, heat, and environmentally friendly fertilisers. Its main task is the production of biogas, which takes place during the anaerobic methane fermentation process of various organic substances or waste….

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How is energy produced through methanisation?

As the price of electricity has been increasing in recent years, biogas has proven to be an interesting alternative, allowing for both green electricity and very affordable prices. Indeed, the waste methanisation technique offers many advantages such as the production…

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How to determine the price of the kWh of gas?

Many people use gas as their main source of energy. The consumption of natural gas remains indeed an important expense despite a downward trend in price. If you happen to be wondering, like many people, how to determine the cost…

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How to switch to green energy?

The main benefit of using green energy is its low impact on the environment. This type of energy also offers an excellent alternative to the increasing scarcity of resources used by humans. What is green energy? When we talk about…

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