How can you get financial help with your home’s energy renovation?

There are many benefits to considering energy-efficient works. In the short term, this act will reduce your energy bills and increase your comfort. In the long term, the value of your assets in the property market will increase. The state strongly encourages the use of many types of equipment for this kind of renovation, but it is not always easy to find your way around. Here is our answer to the question: what kind of aid is available for energy renovation?

Tax credits

Here, we focus on energy transition assistance with respect to the tax credit. The latter follows the specific size of families with limited resources in order to provide the most help to the most deprived families. The grouping of aid in the form of subsidies distributed by the government, coupled with the interest-free eco-loans to cover the remaining costs, has made it possible to increase the coverage of the costs of hot repair assistance. For the most efficient works, the premium can be as high as 10,000 euros. Since its launch, this programme has become the main state aid for energy transformation, and all owner-occupiers, regardless of their income, all lessors and co-ownerships can benefit from it.

The Live Better programme

The Live Better programme has three components, depending on the beneficiary, such as owners with moderate resources, owners and donors and fragile co-ownership unions. It is a scheme that offers support, advice, and financial aid to carry out a series of projects that will save at least 25% of energy. The energy-saving requirement will be increased to 35% to encourage more ambitious renovations. The programme is suitable for owner-occupiers of modest means and generally finances 60% of the total cost of the work, excluding taxes on the work.

Zero rate eco-loans

In addition to the subsidies for energy conversion work, the zero rate eco-loans can reach up to 30,000 euros to finance the rest of the work. It is aimed at owner-occupiers or landlords and applies to housing completed more than 2 years prior to the demand. To take advantage of a zero rate eco-loan, you must implement energy renovation actions or reach a minimum level of the overall energy performance of the house. This zero rate loan provides funds for the supply and installation of related equipment and materials, but also funds for inseparable works, project management fees, and the cost of any project assistance. It is issued by a bank that has signed an agreement with the state.
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